how is every one? i am fine....here are my picks ...this weekend will prove to be very big for female players and very, very bad for old men and dandy fellows....1st game...cohen vs she and himcoach ewing will not be able to concentrate on his game strategy....he will constantly call timeouts and.... incredibly he will bring zooey small cups of water to drink....asking her if she is 'okay' and 'is there anything i can do for you?' it will be very pathetic to watch...i suggest you tivo this game and watch the highlights only....zooey will crush old man cohen like the sharks ripped into the flesh of the big marlin that the old man tried to drag back to the docks in "the old man and the sea" ...picture cohen as spencer tracy and zooey as the sharks...OVA! if the old man tries the same zone defense the the black keys tried...zooey will use the high post to set up her back door game....easy here mark...get your mind out of the gutter...i can explain 'back door' the next time you drag me to some god-forsaken bar where a crazy guy in an orange cap is the most exciting person in the joint...the old man may give she and him a game...but in the end...she and him will advance...she 85 cohen 782nd game...dandy worhols vs neko casein the words of neko...Oh my sparrow it's too lateYour body limp beneath my feetYour dusty eyes cold as clayYou didn't hear my warningnot sure what that mumbo jumbo means but really... nobody understands anything she ever says...but really doesnt matter...neko too powerful and the dandies are just happy to be as far away from new jersey as possible...everyone knows the dandies are playing above themselves and it will finally catch up with them....this game will be a laffer from the start....like the late...great frank sinatra once said.."I'll take two broads!" you got it blue eyes...take both broads and buy sammy davis jr a drink after the whole affair is done.... neko 85 dandies 56ok..thats all i got...i'm saying this with peace and love..peace and love...stop sending me stuff to sign..i WILL NOT sign any letters....OR objects...NOTHING...the wizard