In a shocking development, rumors of impropriety have been given new life as a member of The Floaters (losers of the Play-In game) observed Coaches Mark Ewing and Tony Signore in a drinking establishment lending credence to a passerby (sorta looked like Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac) who (female in nature) glanced down at the various sheets and tables they had displayed in front of them, pulled out a pen (from some unknown and as yet un-revealed location) and wrote down the name "Juice Newton".
Ewing was overheard saying something to the effect that "We'll HAVE to ensure she (Juice) gets selected for next year's tourney. Give me some more pretzels, will ya, Tony?" Signore, upon observing they were the only ones in the establishment at the time, started hurling peanut shells at Ewing; all the time wagging his finger at him and proclaiming "There Pretzels ARE making me thirsty!"
Ewing tried to defuse the situation by ignoring Signore, which only seemed to invigorate him. Thrusting an empty glass into the air as if it were a sword, Signore proclaimed "WOLVERINES!", then quickly started gathering up as many peanut packets and potato chip bags as he could carry, and built a make-shift bunker next to the juke box.
As Ewing's stormtroopers arrived to "maintain the peace" (as Ewing words it), Ewing, thinking a little music could soothe the situation, inserted a dollar bill into the juke box, which randomly started playing "Jukebox Hero" Upon hearing the opening chords, Signore lept from his hiding spot, and in an imitation of a Edvard Much painting, started screaming.
Eventually the Stormtroopers were able to "establish order", by guaranteeing Signore that "the ambassador had been found." Signore, unaware of what that meant, lowered his guard, and one of the troopers were able to use a blackjack to full-effect.
Music Star Wars 2009 stock was up 3.9% as word of the incident reached the NASDAQ floor.
Ewing was overheard saying something to the effect that "We'll HAVE to ensure she (Juice) gets selected for next year's tourney. Give me some more pretzels, will ya, Tony?" Signore, upon observing they were the only ones in the establishment at the time, started hurling peanut shells at Ewing; all the time wagging his finger at him and proclaiming "There Pretzels ARE making me thirsty!"
Ewing tried to defuse the situation by ignoring Signore, which only seemed to invigorate him. Thrusting an empty glass into the air as if it were a sword, Signore proclaimed "WOLVERINES!", then quickly started gathering up as many peanut packets and potato chip bags as he could carry, and built a make-shift bunker next to the juke box.
As Ewing's stormtroopers arrived to "maintain the peace" (as Ewing words it), Ewing, thinking a little music could soothe the situation, inserted a dollar bill into the juke box, which randomly started playing "Jukebox Hero" Upon hearing the opening chords, Signore lept from his hiding spot, and in an imitation of a Edvard Much painting, started screaming.
Eventually the Stormtroopers were able to "establish order", by guaranteeing Signore that "the ambassador had been found." Signore, unaware of what that meant, lowered his guard, and one of the troopers were able to use a blackjack to full-effect.
Music Star Wars 2009 stock was up 3.9% as word of the incident reached the NASDAQ floor.