Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Play-In: 16-The Floaters Vs 16-Men Without Hats Men Without Hats The Floaters

Two inept teams to play each other, and the unlucky winner gets to be destroyed by the Black Keys.

The Floaters beat Elton John last year, and should have no trouble with the Men that decide not to wear hats. The Hatless Men boast a tall dude, who looks like he can't shoot, a tall and thin girl, who can't ever get past their best player: The Midget Boy guy, who never stops moving, holds opponent's hands, runs under their legs, and generally runs the team..but Cmon he's a miget, and can't ever leave the girl the video........The Floaters are black guys from Detroit....but the Floaters have got to quit trying to be so cute. The 'float pass' gets picked off everytime, and I don't think the 'floating rebound' has ever worked. They spend most of their practice time doing horoscopes, leading an un-named official to call them the dumbest band to ever play in the Star Wars Tournament.

Mark's French Fry Prediction: The Floaters 51, Men With out Hats 37. ( Midget boy will score 25 points and foul out by holding onto his female teamate.)